On selected Wednesdays, the Ackland Art Museum invites members of the University community and friends of the Ackland to enjoy an hour of inspiration and information about works of art currently on view at the Ackland.
The first talk for the Fall 2015 semester will be Thursday October 1st, 2015 at 12:30 PM. Jane Thrailkill (Bowman and Gordon Gray Distinguished Term Associate Professor, English) will be giving a talk entitled “Picturing Contagion before Microbes” in connection with her Study Gallery installation on Literature, Medicine, and Culture.
RSVP here!
Bring a bag lunch—yes, people do!—or pre-order a boxed lunch from Jason’s Deli that will be waiting for you at the Ackland! Order your lunch when you register online ($9.00, payable by cash or check at the door).
Admission is FREE. However, because space is limited, an RSVP is requested.