Next week UNC School of Medicine is hosting Flipping Cancer, a performance project co-created by Marie Garlock and offered in a multi-day residency. It culminates in a live performance installation on Friday 12/2, to honor people’s diverse experiences with advanced cancers, and to illuminate questions of health justice important to these persons.
RSVPs open through Tuesday 11/29! Parking passes / reimbursements available if needed (, 919.607.5533).
There are 3 opportunities:
- Open spots for free InterPlay performance + stress relief workshops, in 1-hour slots on Wed 11/30 @UNC Hospitals. (Open to all whether or not folks can be at other events. Times: 12:15 med students, 2:30 patients, family/friend caregivers, 5:15 healthcare professionals. Accompanied with live sound healing music + cider)
- Open spots to join a participatory rehearsal with dinner on Thurs 12/1, 5:15pm, to involve members of the public collaboratively in the performance piece going up Friday morning 12/2. (including assisting with audience interactions, and/or sharing some of their own wisdoms)
- Live performance of Flipping Cancer, Friday 12/2, 8:30am, offered for 160+ medical students, faculty, designed responsively to their applied phase curriculum.
Folks who may benefit from these offerings include people who are currently or formerly:
- patients
- family + friend caregivers
- healthcare providers
- medical students, residents, faculty (or other health sciences)
- anyone with abiding interest in:
- improving the cultural + institutional means available to us to navigate advanced cancers
- engaging taboos about life-threatening illness
- exploring multiple avenues of “patient advocacy” (biomedical, charitable/philanthropic, policy + public activism, everyday living…)
- tracing correlates of health, environmental, racial, gender, economic justice that weave their way in to cancer experiences