Manisha Mishra is a former HHIVE member and UNC student who graduated in 2018. She graduated with a bachelor’s degree in biology and in medical humanities, with a minor in chemistry before moving to Tennessee this year to pursue a master’s degree in social foundations of health at Vanderbilt University.
At the beginning of May, Manisha featured as a guest writer on Synapsis, a health humanities journal. Her article highlights the question, “which individuals—specifically, which bodies—have access to health care and rights?” It further analyzes how biocommunicability is influenced by regulatory bodies.
To read Manisha’s article and to learn more about this topic, click here.
In addition to her blog post, Manisha contributed to the Journal of General Internal Medicine by co-authoring the article, “Health Care Providers’ Experiences with Implementing Medical Aid-in-Dying in Vermont: a Qualitative Study.” As its title states, the article describes Vermont’s health care providers’ experiences in implementing medical aid-in-dying after the “Patient Choice and Control at End of Life” Act.
To read her article in the Journal of General Internal Medicine, click here.