The CHCI Health and Medical Humanities Summer Institute (June 25-27, 2020), hosted by the University of Southern Denmark, on Space, Place, and Design in the Medical and Health Humanities is accepting proposals for 15 minute papers (350-word abstracts), and for complete panels (350-word abstracts for each paper accompanied by a cover-letter describing the aims of the panel as a whole).
Deadline for paper proposals and complete panels is January 15, 2020.
Please send all proposals to Research Assistant Tine Riis Andersen ( All proposals must include your name, academic affiliation (if any), and preferred email address. Questions may be addressed to Associate Professor Anders Juhl Rasmussen (
More details are available on the conference website.
Note: The Human Health project at University of Southern Denmark is sponsoring the conference fee, hotel, and travel for a limited number of graduate students and junior researchers without a research budget. Participants will need their papers to be accepted to be eligible for sponsorship. Please make a note in your paper proposal if you would like to apply for sponsorship.