Spring 2023 Course Offerings
The following courses are being offered during the Spring 2023 semester.
All of the courses listed are related to the health humanities and may qualify for health humanities related degree programs.
- Courses numbered 400 or above qualify for the English & Comparative Literature MA concentration in Literature, Medicine, and Culture and the English & Comparative Literature Graduate Certificate in Literature, Medicine, and Culture. Students with questions about either graduate program should contact Prof. Kym Weed.
*Note: Advanced undergraduate students are permitted to enroll in graduate-level courses (600 and above), often with permission from the instructor.
- Undergraduate courses (100-400 level) and joint undergraduate-graduate courses (600-level) are likely to qualify for the Honors minor in Medicine, Literature, and Culture or English & Comparative Literature concentration in Science, Medicine, and Literature. Students should consult with their academic advisor to confirm degree requirements.
ENGL 057H: First Year Seminar – Future Perfect: Science Fiction and Social Form
Matthew Taylor | TuTh 12:30 – 1:45pm
What will our world look like in ten years? Fifty? One hundred? Will the future be a utopian paradise or a dystopian wasteland? Through a wide-ranging survey of popular science writing, novels, and films, this first-year seminar will examine fictional and nonfictional attempts to imagine the future from the nineteenth century to the present. We will explore everything from futurology and transhumanism to warnings of imminent environmental collapse. Our focus will be less on assessing the accuracy of these predictions and more on determining what they tell us about the hopes and fears of the times in which they were made. The course will culminate in a short research paper on a future-oriented topic of your choosing.
ENGL 071H: Healers & Patients
Prof. Kym Weed | MoWeFr, 11:15am-12:05pm
In this course, we will analyze a diverse collection of writers who have taken as their topic the human struggle to make sense of suffering and debility through a range of genres including fiction, non-fiction, graphic memoir, podcasts, and oral histories. Divided into five units, the course will allow us to explore not just the medical, but also the personal, ethical, cultural, and political facets of illness from the perspectives of patients, healers, and families.
Counts toward MLC minor (may substitute for the ENGL 268H gateway course)
ENGL 269: Introduction to Disability Studies
Prof. Kym Weed | MoWeFr, 10:10-11:00am
This course will introduce students to key critical concepts and debates in the field of Disability Studies by drawing on multiple disciplinary perspectives. Through readings (critical essays, fiction, memoir, poetry, and film), pre-recorded presentations, and virtual discussion, students in this course will be introduced to the biomedical, social, and justice models of disability; explore the histories of disability communities and activists; examine representations of disability; and study how multiple forms of inequality and oppression intersect with disability and disability justice work.
Counts toward MLC minor and SML concentration.
ENGL 390: Studies in Literary Topics: “Misbehaving Bodies: Dis/ease, Dis/order, & Dys/topia in Latinx Fiction and Film”
Ylce Irizarry | TuTh 12:30-1:45pm
This course explores how post-1992 Latinx fiction & film portray “misbehaving” bodies. We will study how bodies that do not conform to desired “norms” are treated. These “misbehaving” bodies include the following: human and other-than-human, diseased, dissident, queer, transgender, migrant, refugee, dead, and half-dead. Students will learn how misbehaving bodies have been and are currently portrayed in relation to historic, social, aesthetic, and legal systems of representation. ¡There will be plagues, zombies, killer anemones, and space travel in the science fiction, speculative fiction, and ghost noir we read. Ultimately, we aim to develop understandings of the problems and possibilities for misbehaving bodies. Authors/Filmmakers will have Chicanx, Cuban, Puerto Rican, Dominican, and Guatemalan ethnonational origins, and emphasis will be placed on Afro Latinx/ Afro Diasporic narrative. Materials include novellas, novels, short stories, and films. Assignments will include Short Writing Assignments; a Digital Project; Unit Exams; a Paper. All instruction and graded assignments will be in English; students are welcome to read materials in Spanish/translation if they prefer.
ENGL 487: Everyday Stories: Personal Narrative and Legend
Jordan Lovejoy | MoWe 3:35PM – 4:50PM
Also listed as FOLK 487. Oral storytelling may seem old-fashioned, but we tell true (or possibly true) stories every day. We will study personal narratives (about our own experiences) and legends (about improbable, intriguing events), exploring the techniques and structures that make them effective communication tools and the influence of different contexts and audiences.
ENGL 687: Queer LatinX Environmentalists
Maria DeGuzman | Th 3:00 – 6:00pm
Also listed as ENGL 690. If you don’t see ENGL 687 in Connect Carolina, enroll in ENGL 690 with Dr. DeGuzmán
This mixed level graduate and advanced undergraduate course examines queer LatinX literature from the 1990s to the present as it intersects with ecological and environmentalist concerns. LatinX litera- ture is multi-ethno-racial and, even when emerging from the United Sates, is multi-national in terms of dovetailing with other national heritage cultures. We explore how these cultural productions question normative assumptions about the “order of things,” the “naturalness” of nature, and the “inevitability” of the historical exploitations of coloniality and the ongoing predations of neocolonialism. We pay close attention to LatinX cultural productions that approach cosmology, ecology, and environmental justice from queer perspectives and that queer ecological concerns from minoritized perspectives. “Queer” and “LatinX” combined with one and another and modifying “Environmentalisms” signal other ways of thinking, doing, being, and becoming.
These other ways entail exploring concepts of “nature” entangled with and dis-entangled from the coercive essentialisms of “natural law” and the violent settler-colonialism informing patriarchal capitalist “normalcy”; thinking beyond the blinders of heteronormative and species-hierarchical traditional human- ism; perceiving and valuing multiple forms of kinship between humans and between humans and other life forms; ceasing to measure worth by a compulsory procreational model; conceiving sustainable interdependencies and thriving assemblages; and cultivating the diversity of diversity as part of salvaging what remains of biodiversity in this time of human-induced global and planetary crisis. With every text, film, and other cultural production, we will be exploring its aesthetic dimensions in relation to its socio-political dimensions.
ENGL 695: Research Seminar in Health Humanities
Prof. Jordynn Jack | Th, 2:00 – 4:45pm
This course focuses on research methods in the Health Humanities that can be used to develop inter- disciplinary projects. Focusing on topics chosen based on students’ interests, we will practice ethnographic, archival, and literary analysis methods that can be used to contribute to current challenges in health practice and public humanities. In particular, we will: 1) analyze textual representations of health using rhetorical and literary perspectives; 2) participate as ethnographic observers in an Interprofessional Education (IPE) pro- gram; 3) conduct archival research about an individual, site of healthcare practice, or health discipline; and 4) conduct interviews or oral histories to learn more about patient experiences with health. Assignments will include an ethnographic observation report, a digital research presentation, and a final written product of students’ choosing (such as a grant proposal, conference paper, or short article).
Counts toward the SML concentration as well as the BA/MA, MA, and Graduate Certificate in LMC.
ENGL 861: The Horror of Life: Art, Eugenics, Climate Change
Matthew Taylor | Tu 2:00 – 5:00pm
Although no definitive scientific account of its nature exists, the amorphous idea of biological “life”— i.e., the force, principle, or activity supposedly unique to living beings—has proven central to at least the past two centuries of Western thought. An extensive corpus of biopolitical theory has examined how this concept led to the 20th-century horrors of eugenics and genocide, a legacy that our course will review. The majority of the course, however, will be devoted to investigating how “life” is linked to the mass death asso- ciated with the so-called Anthropocene. As we will see, “life” proves antithetical to the actually living in ways that problematize new materialism’s and neo-vitalism’s utopian extensions of vitality to atoms, Earth, and universe. We also will explore the implications of the aesthetic forms by which biologists and artists have sought to capture the formless noumena of life itself. To these ends, our course will survey major statements in vitalist literature, film, and philosophy from the nineteenth through the twenty-first centuries, with a particular emphasis on works in speculative fiction and horror; touch on life’s relation to such fields as biopolitics, critical race theory, disability studies, postcolonialism, feminist antiwork discourse, Black studies, Afropessimism and Afrofuturism, Indigenous studies, environmental humanities, and queer theory; reflect on life’s relation (or lack of relation) to politics and ethics; and ask what alternatives (or “afters”) to “life” might exist.
The course will include opportunities for collectively-determined readings and collaborative research in small groups. The primary assignments will be a group presentation and a seminar paper.
Readings/screenings may include selections from: Sara Ahmed; Hannah Arendt; Jane Bennett; Octavia Butler; Georges Canguilhem; Mel Chen; David Cronenberg; W. E. B. Du Bois; Roberto Esposito; Denise Ferreira da Silva; Michel Foucault; Christopher Freeburg; Sigmund Freud; Alexis Pauline Gumbs; J. Jack Halberstam; Hollywood “creature features”; Zakiyyah Iman Jackson; Donna V. Jones; Jack London;
H. P. Lovecraft; Achille Mbembe; Fred Moten; Jasbir Puar; Kevin Quashie; Arthur Schopenhauer; Christina Sharpe; Eugene Thacker; Kathi Weeks; H. G. Wells; Alexander Weheliye; Kyle Whyte; and Sylvia Wynter, among others.
AAAD 387: HIV/AIDS in Africa and the Diaspora
Lydia Boyd | TuTh 3:30-4:45pm
This course explores the history and contemporary politics of HIV/AIDS in African communities and across the Diaspora. The differing trajectories of the epidemic on the continent, in the West, and in the Caribbean and Latin America will be explored.
ANTH 147: Comparative Healing Systems
Jocelyn Chua | MoWeFr 12:20 – 1:10pm
In this course we compare a variety of healing beliefs and practices so that students may gain a better understanding of their own society, culture, and medical system.
ANTH 270: Living Medicine
Martha King | TuTh 11:00 – 12:15pm
This course examines the social and cultural experience of medicine, the interpersonal and personal aspects of healing and being healed. It explores how medicine shapes and is shaped by those who inhabit this vital arena of human interaction: physicians, nurses, other professionals and administrators; patients; families; friends and advocates.
ANTH 319: Global Health
Mark Sorensen | MoWeFr 10:10 – 11:00am
This class explores some of the historical, biological, economic, medical, and social issues surrounding globalization and health consequences.
ANTH 326: Practicing Medical Anthropology
Martha King | TuTh 9:30 – 10:45am
A workshop on careers in medical anthropology and the kinds of contributions that medical anthropologists make to health care professions. Students will learn skills including interviewing methods, writing for diverse audiences, blogging. Intended for medical anthropology minors and students interested in bringing anthropological perspectives to a range of practical contexts.
ANTH 390: Special Topics in Medical Anthropology
Aalyia Sadruddin | MoWe 4:40-5:55pm
Sandy Smith-Nonini | TuTh 11:00 – 12:15pm
Angela Stuesse| TuTh 9:30-10:45am
When the world went into lockdown, the COVID-19 pandemic was dubbed “the great equalizer” by politicians and the media alike. This disease would transcend age, nationality, race, wealth, and fame, we were told, as every human on the planet was equally vulnerable. However, as the months wore on we witnessed how longstanding social and economic inequalities set the stage for dramatically different pandemic experiences and outcomes. Centering cultural anthropology’s fundamental analytical frames of globalization, power, and inequality, over the semester we will seek to better understand this moment, exploring how race, class, gender, sexuality, and nationality have dramatically shaped communities’ lived realities in relation to the coronavirus in the United States and around the world.
ANTH 442: Health and Gender after Socialism
Michele Rivkin-Fish | MoWe 5:00 – 6:15pm
This course examines postsocialist experiences of the relationship between political, economic, social, and cultural transitions, and challenges in public health and gender relations.
Seats reserved for UG Medical Anthropology Majors.
ANTH 446: Poverty, Inequality, and Health
Mark Sorensen | MoWeFr 12:20 – 1:10pm
This course examines poverty, inequalities, and health from a global and historical perspective. We will study the role of sociopolitical context, individual behavior, and human biology, and will pay particular attention to the roles of psychosocial stress, material conditions, and policy in shaping health differences within and between populations.
ANTH 450: Ethnographic Research Methods
Angela Stuesse | Tu 12:30-3:00pm
This course is currently listed as ANTH 490 but will change to ANTH 450 before spring semester.
This course offers an opportunity for students to learn about the methodologies of ethnographic research and put these into practice through a semester-long field research project in the Triangle. Though this project, we explore the theoretical, ethical, and practical promises and challenges of ethnography, from problem definition, research design, and entering the field to data analysis, validity, and “writing up.” Along the way we focus on the collection and analysis of ethnographic data using participant observation, fieldnotes, interviewing, life histories, visual methods, focus groups, archival and ethnographic survey research, and various strategies for organizing and coding data. Each week’s readings teach us about (a) new research method(s), which we discuss in class and then implement in our projects through weekly structured ethnographic assignments. Class meetings are used largely as workshops to discuss what we are learning and provide / receive feedback (both instructor and peer-to-peer) on our ongoing projects. Students’ work over the semester culminates in an in-class presentation of their ethnographic research, as well as a final ethnographic report.
Seats reserved for UG Medical Anthropology Majors.
ANTH 464: Life and Violence
Aalyia Sadruddin | MoWe 6:05-7:20pm
Violence in human societies has been studied by social scientists for decades. Yet, how violence is defined and written about varies from discipline to discipline. In this course, we study of violence in its many forms (e.g., political, ethnic, bodily, and religious), from an anthropological perspective. We will critically assess how the past and present violence affect everyday life and inform our perspectives about places and people that might be unfamiliar to us.
Seats reserved for UG Medical Anthropology Majors.
ANTH 470: Medicine and Anthropology
Martha King | MoWeFr 10:10 – 11:00am + Recitation
This course examines cultural understandings of health, illness, and medical systems from an anthropological perspective with a special focus on Western medicine.
ANTH 490: Undergraduate Seminar in Anthropology
Brian Billman | MoWeFr 10:10 – 11:00am
Seats reserved for UG Medical Anthropology Majors.
SPCL 400.305: C-Start: How Culture Defines Psychiatric Illnesses
Student Instructor: Tulsi Patel | Th 5:30PM – 7:30PM
Faculty Mentor: Kym Weed
How do different cultures define, perceive, and treat mental illnesses? Some cultures view psychiatric illnesses as the presence of a spirit, while others solely believe it to be a chemical imbalance. The field of ethnopsychiatry serves to examine possible stigmatization, origins of mental illnesses, treatment methods, and the cultural dimensions of mental health. Once a branch of medical anthropology, this subject matter now draws from the fields of psychology, neuroscience, english, and public health. Understanding how various cultures conceptualize and respond to mental illnesses can elucidate how to best promote the mental health of the diverse populations within the United States.
This multifaceted course utilizes seminar discussions and class activities to explore how specific mental illnesses, treatment methods, and healer-patient interactions are understood and viewed among different cultures and time periods. This seminar will engage with various information sources, including research articles, first person accounts from historical archives and modern day blogs, documentary clips, TedTalks, and graphic novels. Students will leave this course with an understanding of the influence of culture on the experience of mental illness among diverse populations.
FOLK 487: Everyday Stories: Personal Narrative and Legend
Jordan Lovejoy | MoWe 3:35PM – 4:50PM
Also listed as FOLK 487. Oral storytelling may seem old-fashioned, but we tell true (or possibly true) stories every day. We will study personal narratives (about our own experiences) and legends (about improbable, intriguing events), exploring the techniques and structures that make them effective communication tools and the influence of different contexts and audiences.
GEOG 423: Social Geography
Betsy Olson | Th 12:30-3:00pm
We will spend the semester collaborating with Culture Mill through their work, Eclipse, which was created last year as part of the Southern Futures initiative. The work itself is very geographical and builds somatics into concepts of restorative justice, focused on the location of the CURRENT ArtSpace (also CPC) and the connection of that site and UNC to racial capitalism. I encourage you to take a look at footage of Eclipse and some of their other work on the project section of their website: http://www.culturemill.org/projects-1.
In addition to working closely with Muriel Elizeon and Tommy Noonan, we are hoping to host some of the other creators and inspirations, including C.J. Suitt, Ay-Jaye Nelson, and Geeta Kapur. For our work, we will have quite a lot of focus on methods that help us examine embodiment and place (including participatory mapping/qualitative feminist GIS approaches), and we will also be creating a curriculum that could be shared with others.
Our collective reading will have at least some emphasis on ableism and black and feminist contributions to/critiques of critical disability studies, but we will largely be deciding readings together as the course progresses. I’m aiming for the outcomes of the class to be some form of collective output (article or digital product) and a curriculum that could be used by us and others in syllabi and community work, but these things are up for negotiation as we might decide something else would be more impactful.
The course requires instructor permission! If you are interested in enrolling, please send an email with GEOG 423 in the subject line to Betsy Olson (eaolson@email.unc.edu)
GLBL 483H: Comparative Health Systems
Erica Johnson | MoWe 11:15 – 12:30pm
National healthcare systems evolve in the context of specific political, economic, and cultural histories and, as a result, the ways countries finance, organize, and deliver care vary greatly. Yet the healthcare challenges that many countries face are remarkably similar. This course provides students with an understanding of the origins and comparative performance of a range of international healthcare systems. The course will cover the recurring debates among health policy experts concerned with health sector reforms in low, middle, and high income countries. In addition, the course will examine some of the history of the field of global health and will highlight the competing global and local influences at play in specific health systems. The course will explore public and private cooperation in health care provision and the role of international institutions in shaping health systems. Comparing models of health care delivery will improve students’ understanding of health outcomes around the world and at home. By the end of the course, students will have the knowledge and tools to critically analyze the origins, designs and outcomes of health system reforms. The course will incorporate knowledge and views from multiple academic disciplines (public health, economics, politics, management, sociology, etc) and does not require any background knowledge.
HBEH 610: Alternative Spring Break
Robert Pleasants | Tu 5:00PM – 6:00PM
This course will explore issues, theories, and experiences relevant to social action, coalition building, and social change. The content of this course will be examined by confronting the possibilities and limitations of service and service-learning as it relates to APPLES Alternative Spring Break experiences.
HBEH 715: Communication for Health-Related Decision Making
Carol Golin | Th 2:00 – 3:55pm
Course provides foundation and skills to understand and improve decision making that affects people’s health. It teaches theoretical basis and evidence-based applications of health-related decision making.
HBEH 720: Leading for Racial Equity: Examining Structural Issues of Race and Class
Yesenia Merino | TuTh 3:30 – 4:45pm
This multidisciplinary seminar prepares participants from graduate programs and communities to address the challenges of racial, ethnic, and tribal equity. Co-instructors promote applied leadership through: a firm definition and analysis of racism, power, and privilege; historic and current structures that sustain inequities; and anti-racism tools and resources for system change.
HNRS 089.001: Medicine and Narrative: Writing COVID / Writing Us
Terry Holt | Mo 2:00-4:30pm
A workshop in autobiographical and creative short story, focusing on the complex connections between story-telling, interpretive skill, and the practice of medicine. Students will write and present autobiographical and and creative short stories about illness and medical care; the seminar will meet weekly to discuss these stories, attempting to identify and articulate the key issues each story expresses about what it means to be sick, what it might mean to take care of others in their illness. The writing and (especially) interpretive skills acquired in this workshop are directly valuable to anyone contemplating a career in medicine, but are equally valuable to anyone who might at some point encounter (in themselves or in someone they care for) the trauma of illness. In addition to the weekly workshop, participants will have one-on-one conferences with the instructor (himself an MD with an international reputation as a writer). A semester-long journal, focusing on the reverberations of the pandemic on the writer’s daily (actual and interior) life, will form the basis for a final project, which may (at student option) be in the form of written narrative, an audio composition, or a film, composed using the tools available at the University’s Media Resources Center.
HNRS 350.001: Learning the Art of Medicine
Matthew Nielsen | Tu 6:00-7:00pm
This course is designed to supplement knowledge obtained through the traditional pre-medical curriculum in order to enhance students’ development as health care providers. It has the following objectives:
- Work in the health professions provides many different pathways for individuals to find meaning, purpose, and impact in the world. We will explore a variety of perspectives through a series of invited speakers from our community.
- Broad and overlapping currents in the organization of medical care, payment for healthcare services, performance improvement, government regulation, and innovation have been shaping the environment within which care is delivered in this country for decades. These will continue to shape the environment for the decades to come. The seminar will provide students with an overview of changes in the delivery of medical care across several of these areas.
- The course will explore dimensions of person- and family-centered care, which has led to many advances in research and clinical care delivery. This can also include understanding the social situation of your patient, including environmental, financial and familial factors.
- The course will provide students with information about navigating the medical training system as well as an introduction to the interprofessional team-based nature of health care delivery.
IDST 124: Triple-I: Pandemics: Ethics, Literatures, and Cultures
Jane Thrailkill (ENGL), Michele Rivkin-Fish (ANTH), and Rebecca Walker (PHIL) | MoWeFr 8:00-8:50am
The COVID-19 pandemic transformed life dramatically for millions of people. Yet its realities – social distancing, quarantine, protective masks, job loss, education disruption, anxiety, loneliness and death, have been part of life during pandemics and epidemics across time and global space. This course brings three specific lenses and sets of methods to bear on experiences of pandemics – those of literature, anthropology, and philosophy. Themes of care, resource inequalities, stigma, and knowledge production are highlighted.
MEJO 469: Health Communication
Peter Sherman | MoWe 9:30 – 10:45am
This course covers theory and research underlying effective health communication campaigns. Students will learn about both the development and evaluation of real-world health campaigns.
MEJO 560: Environmental and Science Journalism
Tom Linden | MoWe 2:00 – 3:15pm
Prepare students to work as environmental and science journalists. The course emphasizes writing skills in all delivery formats and interpreting environmental, science, and medical information for consumers.
MEJO 825: Seminar in Interdisciplinary Health Communication
Allison Lazard | We 9:30 – 12:15pm
Prerequisite, HBEH 730. Permission required for non-majors. Interdisciplinary overview of communication theory and research and critical analysis of applications of theory to interventions using communication for health. Three hours per week.
PHIL 150H: Theory, Evidence, and Understanding in Science
Marc Lange | TuTh 12:30 – 1:45pm
The discoveries that scientists make and the methods by which they make them raise a host of interesting philosophical questions, some of which we will explore in this course. These questions include: Are scientific theories distinguished from pseudoscience by being testable against our observations? If so, precisely how is this distinction to be drawn? By what logic do our observations support or disconfirm various scientific theories? Can we prove our best scientific theories to be true? Or are they merely theories? (Or is this a false choice?) Are we justified in making predictions about the future on the basis of observations drawn exclusively from the past? If so, why? What does it mean for one event (for instance, the collision of the Earth with some large rocky body millions of years ago) to be responsible for causing the occurrence of another event (such as the extinction of the dinosaurs) and for explaining why it occurred? What makes a given regular pattern that we might notice (such as the fact that every piece of copper is electrically conductive) not just a giant coincidence, but a law of nature? Do the wholesale revolutions in scientific thought that have occasionally occurred (such as the Copernican Revolution in astronomy) amount to rational and inevitable responses to overwhelming evidence? If not, how can they nevertheless be rational? We will look at these and other questions, settling some of them and trying to make some progress on the others. This course presupposes no background in philosophy or in science, just a willingness to think seriously about the logical foundations of scientific reasoning.
PHIL 154: Philosophy of Science
Devin Lane | TuTh 8:00 – 9:15am
This is a course on the philosophy of social science. We will address a number of questions pertaining to the philosophical foundations of the social sciences. While we will primarily read philosophical work, we will also engage with ideas from psychology, economics, sociology, and history. The hope is that, by the end of the course, we will have a better sense of how social scientific research is conducted as well as a clearer view of social science’s importance for both understanding and engaging with our social world.
PHIL 165: Bioethics
Erik Zhang | TuTh 3:30 – 4:45pm
This course investigates some of the central issues in biomedical ethics, including clinical bioethics, population-level bioethics, and the ethics of biomedical research. Some of the issues we will examine might include: Abortion, Organ transplantation, Ethics of having children, Physician-assisted suicide and euthanasia
Genetic enhancement, Health and healthcare inequalities, Personal vs social responsibilities for health, and Research on animals.
Gerard Rothfus | MoWeFr 1:25 – 2:15pm
This course surveys (some of) the rich field of contemporary bioethics, with an emphasis on examining controversies in modern medicine surrounding the making and taking of human life. Students will wrestle with classic philosophical questions like when and why is killing wrong?, what are the extent and limits of bodily autonomy?, what duties do parents owe their offspring?, etc., and then consider how different answers to these questions bear upon topics as significant and contested as the ethics of abortion, euthanasia, assisted reproductive technologies, and use of animal subjects in medical research.
PHIL 352: Sex and Death, Life and Health, Species and Evolution: The Philosophy of Biology
Marc Lange | TuTh 3:30 – 4:45pm
This course will explore some issues concerning the conceptual foundations of contemporary biology.
PLCY 570: Health and Human Rights
Benjamin Meier | TuTh 12:30 – 1:45pm
Course focuses on rights-based approaches to health, applying a human rights perspective to selected public health policies, programs, and interventions. Students will apply a formalistic human rights framework to critical public health issues, exploring human rights as both a safeguard against harm and a catalyst for health promotion.
PLCY 575: Innovation, Science, and Public Policy
Adams Bailey | TuTh 9:30 – 10:45am
Introduction to analysis of science policy. Course explores how events transformed science’s role in American life and how science relates to industry and economic development. Topics include the mechanisms of allocating scientific resources, the commercialization of academic discoveries, regulating emerging technology, and achieving consensus on controversial scientific issues.
PUBH 420: The Pandemic Course: HIV and COVID
Ronald Strauss, Christopher Hurt | Tu 5:45 – 7:00pm
This course offers participants a multidisciplinary perspective on HIV/AIDS — its etiology, immunology, epidemiology and impact on individuals and society. The course will ask what lessons about pandemics can be learned from studying HIV/AIDS, with a specific focus on parallels with COVID-19. Open to undergraduate, graduate, and professional students (Graduate students should enroll in PUBH 720).
PUBH 610: Introductory Spanish for Health Professions
Elizabeth Tolman | Tu 5:00 – 6:30pm
Beatriz Lomas-Lozano | We 5:45 – 7:15pm
This course is intended for students who know no Spanish or so little that they feel the need to start over. Students with more than two semesters of college Spanish are not eligible. The course covers the curriculum of first-semester Spanish taught within a health context, with a focus on speaking.
PUBH 710: Introduction to Global Health Ethics
William Oscar Fleming | TBA
This course is designed to give students the skills to identify and effectively address ethical issues that arise in global health research and practice.
PUBH 711: Critical Issues in Global Health
Karar Ahsan, Marie Lina Excellent | TBA
Explores contemporary issues/controversies in global health through an interdisciplinary perspective; examines complexity of social, economic, political, and environmental factors affecting global health; analyzes global health disparities through a social justice lens; and exposes students to opportunities in global health work and research.
PUBH 720: The Pandemic Course: HIV and COVID
Ronald Strauss, Christopher Hurt | Tu 5:45PM – 7:00PM
This course offers participants a multidisciplinary perspective on HIV/AIDS and COVID — their etiology, immunology, epidemiology, and impact on individuals and society. How pandemics are framed by a society determines not only how affected persons are treated but also the degree to which the rights of the individual are upheld. Open to undergraduate, graduate, and professional students (Undergraduate students should enroll in PUBH 420).
RELI 668: Religion and the Spanish Inquisition: Abrahamic Traditions, Indigenous Religions, and Empire
Jes Boon | Mo 2:30 – 5:20pm
Between 711 and 1492, Muslims and Christians ruled different areas of Spain in turn, with Jews as a constant presence in government and society. The medieval heritage of inter-religious conflict and cooperation (convivencia) provided the religious framework for the encounter of conquistadores with indigenous peoples and imported slaves in Mexico, Peru, and the Philippines during the age of empire. This course on the ‘Atlantic World’ examines the impact of constant intersection with the religious ‘Other’ in the medieval Iberian kingdoms and during the early modern expansion to the New World, relying on theories concerning race, gender, sexuality, and postcoloniality. Open to RELI majors and graduate students from any department. All others by permission of the instructor.
RELI 890/ANTH 898: Decolonizing Methodologies
Maya Berry & Lauren Leve| Tu 12:00-2:50pm
With a focus on the fundamental connection between critical social theory and qualitative inquiry, students will explore the challenges of decolonization, the promise of participatory methodologies, and the politics, problems, and practice of engaged research.
Registration for this popular course is by permission of instructor. If you would like to be considered for admission, please complete this online form by Friday, 10/21/22. Applicants who apply for admission by this date will be notified of the instructors’ decision on or before 10/25.
Dorothea Heitsch | MoWeFr 11:15am-12:05pm
Hallucinations, depression, hysteria, paranoia, anxiety, neurosis, body dysmorphic disorder, obsession, and pain are only some of the symptoms that will be reflected in the narratives of this course. The authors featured in this seminar are familiar with the medical knowledge of their time and are often patients themselves suffering from the medical conditions they describe. Throughout the semester, we will examine the practices of authors – such as Maupassant, Montaigne, Selzer, Sembène, or Meruane – who not only borrow heavily from medicine in composing their works but also conceive of writing itself as something medical, that is, as having a therapeutic function for both writer and reader. Accordingly, we will study a group of writers and artists across time and space who explore, adapt, and converse with contemporaneous medical learning in their creative works.
SOCI 172: Introduction to Population Health in the United States
Robert Hummer | TuTh 11:00 – 12:15pm
This course aims to provide an introduction to the study of population health in the United States. Key goals include understanding the measurement and theoretical frameworks underlying the study of population health, understanding trends and disparities in U.S. population health, and understanding policy options to improve population health.
SOCI 180: Introduction to Global Population Health
Bethany Stoutamire | MoWeFr 9:05 – 9:55am
This course provides students with an introduction to population health, with an emphasis on three perspectives: demographic methods for assembling data and evidence, the social determinants of health framework, and the role of global institutions and movements in population health.
SOCI 422: Sociology of Mental Health and Illness
Katrina Branecky | MoWeFr 2:30 – 3:20pm
Examines the uniqueness of the sociological perspective in understanding mental health and illness. Draws upon various theoretical perspectives to best understand patterns, trends, and definitions of mental health and illness in social context. Focuses on how social factors influence definitions, perceptions, patterns, and trends of mental health and illness.
SOCI 469: Health and Society
Denise Mitchell | MoWeFr 10:10 – 11:00am
Micah Nelson | TuTh 12:30 – 1:45pm
The primary objective of the course is to explain how and why particular social arrangements affect the types and distribution of diseases, as well as the types of health promotion and disease prevention practices that societies promote.