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HHGR with Sayantani DasGupta, Zahra Khan, and Yoshiko Iwai

March 30, 2021 @ 3:30 pm - 4:30 pm

Health Humanities Grand Rounds Presents Sayantani DasGupta, Zahra Khan, and Yoshiko Iwai

March 30, 2021 @ 3:30

Abolition Medicine: Reimagining the Role of Social Justice in Healthcare

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Description: In 1935, WEB Dubois wrote about abolition democracy: an idea based not only on breaking down unjust systems, but on building up new, antiracist social structures. Scholar activists like Angela Davis, Ruth Gilmore and Mariame Kaba have long contended that the abolition of slavery was but one first step in ongoing abolitionist practices dismantling racialized systems of policing, surveillance, and incarceration. The possibilities of prison and police abolition have recently come into the mainstream national consciousness during the 2020 resurgence of nationwide Black Lives Matters (BLM) protests. As we collectively imagine what nonpunitive and supportive community reinvestment in employment, education, childcare, mental health, and housing might look like, medicine must be a part of these conversations. Indeed, if racist violence is a public health emergency, and we are trying to bring forth a “public health approach to public safety” – what are medicine’s responsibilities to these social and institutional reinventions?


Sayantani DasGupta, MD, MPH: Originally trained in pediatrics and public health, Dr. Sayantani DasGupta is Senior Lecturer in the Discipline of Narrative Medicine at Columbia University where she also teaches in the Center for the Study of Ethnicity and Race and Institute for Comparative Literature and Society. She is the co-author or editor of several academic texts including Principles and Practices of Narrative Medicine (Oxford 2016), and her academic work is at the interstices of speculative fiction, race, health, narrative, and social justice. She is also a New York Times bestselling children’s fantasy author, and you can follow her work at or on twitter @sayantani16.
Yoshiko Iwai, MS, MFA: Yoshiko Iwai is a medical student at UNC School of Medicine and graduate of Columbia University’s programs in Narrative Medicine and Creative Nonfiction. She is published in places like The Lancet, Academic Medicine, Journal of Medical Humanities, Scientific American, among others. Her research focuses on medical education and oncologic care for individuals in the criminal justice system.
Zahra Khan, MS: Zahra Khan teaches in the Graduate Program in Narrative Medicine at Columbia University, and serves as co-chair of the University Seminar on Narrative, Health, and Social Justice. Zahra’s writing, research, and community engagement emerges at the intersection of health humanities, social justice, and disruptive pedagogy. Her work has appeared in publications like The Lancet and Journal of Medical Ethics, and has been accepted to conferences in the UK, Norway, and, most recently, at Universite de la Sorbonne Nouvelle. She is co-editor of The Life Jacket, a zine about liberation, third world feminisms, and home.


March 30, 2021
3:30 pm - 4:30 pm
Event Category: