International Conference co-sponsored by the Montclair State University Medical Humanities Program and the Waiting Times Research Group (a Wellcome Trust funded research project based at the Universities of Exeter and Birbeck, London, UK)
To be held at Montclair State University (Montclair, New Jersey), October 26-27, 2019
Dr. Mark Solms Chair, Neuropsychology, University of Cape Town & Groote Schuur Hospital
Title: “A Man Who Got Lost in Time: Feeling and Uncertainty in the Face of Oblivion”
Dr. Rishi Goyal Director, Medicine, Literature and Society Program, Columbia University
Title: “Crisis, Catastrophe and Emergency: Disentangling Temporal Patterns of Care and Response”
Those with interests in general practice, psychotherapy, disability studies, palliative care, end-of-life care, narrative medicine, public health, medical anthropology, medical history, literature and medicine and body studies, and researchers addressing questions of care and temporality within fields such as philosophy, sociology, psychology, critical and cultural studies, gender studies and Black studies are most welcome….
Possible paper and panel topics:
- waiting time
- access and discrimination
- trauma and urgency
- suspense and disease in mass media
- representations of chronic illnesses in art, literature, and film
- narrative time in medical fiction and nonfiction
- theories of crisis and chronicity
- theories of rupture and endurance
- the temporalities of psychic life
Abstract submissions to be sent to Dr. Jefferson Gatrall by April 1:
Organizing committee
Lisa Baraitser (, Jefferson Gatrall (,
Lois Oppenheim (, Laura Salisbury (