Graduate Certificate in Literature, Medicine, and Culture
Graduate and professional students in good academic standing are eligible to earn an additional credential in health humanities from the Department of English & Comparative Literature. This certificate draws on multiple disciplinary approaches to health and humanities to train students in the interdisciplinary approaches that shape Health Humanities as a research area.
To Apply
- Meet with LMC Associate Director: Schedule a meeting with Prof. Kym Weed ( to discuss your interest in the certificate program.
- Graduate Certificate in LMC Declaration Form: This form includes an applicant statement and proposed course of study.
- Current CV: With your Declaration Form, please include a current CV.
Submit all application materials to the LMC Graduate Certificate Canvas page. Applications will be reviewed twice a year, and applicants will be notified of the Admissions Committee’s decision in the same semester they apply. The fall deadline is November 1 and the spring deadline is April 1.
Certificate Requirements
Graduate Certificate requirements include the completion of 9 credit hours of coursework (earning a grade H or P) and participation in health humanities programming.
Certificate coursework must include the following:
- One required course:
- ENGL 763 – Introduction to Methods in Health Humanities or
- ENGL 695 – Intensive Research Methods in the Health Humanities
- Two electives from the approved list of courses associated with the English & Comparative Literature M.A. concentration in Literature, Medicine, and Culture. We curate a list of courses each term on the HHIVE website to help students identify possible courses. Students may petition for non-approved courses to count with permission from the Director.
Note: All Graduate Certificate coursework should be completed before the student reaches ABD status unless otherwise approved the the Certificate Director and the student’s home-department DGS. Per the revised Graduate School certificate guidelines, these certificate credits may double-count toward the student’s graduate degree at the discretion of their home-department DGS.
Programming Participation
In addition to coursework, the Graduate Certificate in LMC requires participation in health humanities programming or events at least twice while enrolled in the certificate program. Examples of ways to fulfill this requirement include the following:
- Presenting original research at a HHIVE Lab meeting
- Attending Health Humanities Grand Rounds
- Mentoring an undergraduate research project in the HHIVE Lab
- Attending and/or organizing the Literature, Medicine, and Culture Colloquium (LMCC) and/or
- Another program or event with Director approval.